在進入異次元國度後,我們總是開始沈浸於歧義之美,思索其中的多層次或然。此般模式,形成了一種體現事物本質細節的認知途徑,計算週遭看似熟悉卻又陌生的景緻所佔的篇幅規模,品味這一點點靈光。猶若Claude Levi-Strauss所說的:「而我們的眼睛卻喪失了辨別能力,我們不再知道怎麼去看待事物。」主觀的規律性,使我們洞見了流光凍結,如此慧黠。我們的創作不再臣屬於理論,於是腳步可以無限輕盈。
Digital Inspiration
ICDDC2009 International Exhibition on Digital Arts
This exhibition focused and invited digital and interactive artworks form South Taiwan. We state the current situations our individuals via some extent of “digital inspiration”, think what we indeed expect for, and consider what concerns we involve in the moment of waiting. Life is always like this: people meet each others unconsciously, and in the mean time exchange the cognition and confusion. Some sophisticated metaphors hide behind images and symbols, and wait for our interpretation.
We immerse in the beauty of ambiguities, and think of the multilevel possibilities inside them. Such modes provide cognitive ways to embody the innate characters of things. We can compute and accomplish the inspiration formed by the sceneries which seem familiar but strange to us. Just like what Claude Levi-Strauss said, our eyes lack of the abilities to discriminate things, so that we don’t know how to treat things. The rhythms of subjectivities make us intelligently penetrate the frozen time. Our creation no longer subordinate to theories; our footsteps become more and more lissome. .
The forms and materials in this exhibition contain interactive installation, mechanical installation, video arts, computer animation, and digital prints. These works includes “Run, and Go Home”, “Ever, Waiting”, “Short Life and Fast too”, “Rain”, “Traces of Memories”, and so on.
- Sep 15 Tue 2009 22:57