IT Outsourcing Practices in Australia and Taiwan
- Chad Lin, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Koong Lin, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
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Dear Professor Lin,
I hope this note finds you well.
I am writing to you today to thank you again for your excellent contribution to IGI Global publications; it has truly been a pleasure collaborating with you on past projects. You are a very valued author whose research has had a tremendous positive impact in the academic community.
As a result, IGI Global is pleased to announce that your excellent research article has been selected to appear in IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, edited by Dr. Kirk St. Amant, an authoritative 4-volume reference collection providing students, educators, and researchers with dependable and comprehensive coverage on the rapidly growing field of Global Business. To view the listing of your name and article title in the complete Table of Contents of this comprehensive reference publication please visit
Your research article was selected for inclusion in this reference work because, after rigorous review, we believe it to be an important research paper with significant influence on the advancement of knowledge, learning, and discovery in Global Business. It is being reprinted so that it may further enhance research and teaching initiatives within this field. Please note that your research article is being printed exactly as it appeared in its original form, with reference to the original source. If you have any questions about IGI Global's policy regarding article reprints or copyright use, please refer to the Author's Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement that you signed when you originally submitted this article for publication.
In addition, once this publication is available in print in July, I will be sending you another e-mail that includes a printable PDF copy of your chapter along with the title and verso pages of IT Outsourcing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications so that you may keep these documents for your professional records.
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I would also like to let you know that, upon publication in July 2009, this title will be available in IGI Global's online database, InfoSci-Books. InfoSci-Books is a fully-searchable, full-text database containing every book and reference work published by IGI Global since the year 2000. If you believe your librarian would be interested in a free 30-day trial, please have him or her e-mail Ms. Jackie Zanghi-LaPlaca, Director of Electronic Databases, at, and she will be happy to assist in setting up a trial for your institution.
Again, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the body of literature in the field of Global Business. It is our hope that this multi-volume collection will be instrumental in the expansion of the discipline. Please let me know if I may be of assistance to you in any way and I will be glad to help.
Have a good day!
Jennifer Weston
Sales and Marketing Assistant
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